Matrix Software

FAQ license activation

FAQ license activation

Malfunctions may occur during license activation. Below are the most common causes:

Matrix Software licenses can be managed through either a software lock (authorization code) or a hardware lock (USB key, also known as a key or dongle). Switching between these two types of licenses is done via the settings in the dialog where the license needs to be activated. After selecting "Settings," the following dialog appears:

Through the Softlock or Hardlock setting, you can choose whether the license is a software-based license (authorization code) or a hardware-based license (USB dongle).


  • Network: Refers to a Software Multi User (SMU) license, which is activated on a license server.
  • License server address: The IP address or DNS name of the server where the license server is installed.
  • Local: Refers to a Software Stand Alone (SSA) license, which is activated on the PC itself.
  • Activate: A dialog appears where the authorization code can be entered. During activation, a connection is made to the license server at Matrix Software via port 5094. For connection issues, see the FAQ about the firewall.
  • TCP and UDP Ports: For accessing the server from the client, ports 5093 and 5099.
  • Fingerprint: Used for support purposes via the Matrix Service Desk.
  • Clean up: Used for support purposes via the Matrix Service Desk.


  • Sentinel SuperPro: The current and supported type of all hardware dongles.
  • Other types: Older types of keys that are no longer supported but may still be in use.
  • Network key: Check if there is a network key.
  • License server address: The IP address or DNS name of the server or PC in the network to which the network key is connected.
  • SuperPro serial number: The unique 4-digit serial number of each hardlock. This number is on the hardlock's label.

Firewall settings

The software lock license (activation code) makes a one-time connection via internet to the license software of Matrix Software. Port 5094 and URL: will be used. TCP and UDP Ports for accessing server from client 5093 and 5099.

See section below for trouble shooting section. 

Time zone

Make sure that the date at your own location is the same as the date at which you applied for / received the license from the Netherlands. The time zone of the Matrix Software license server is in GMT+1.

New hardware

The software lock is encrypted with multiple unique numbers of hardware components of the computer or server. If one of the hardware components is changed, the license may no longer work. Then contact the Matrix Software Service Desk. 

New operating system

If the operating system is reinstalled and the system is given the same computer name and the hardware has not been changed, you can use the original Authorization code again. If you install a newer operating system then the original Authorization code cannot be reused. If your original Authorization Code does not work, contact the Matrix Software Service Desk. 

Move USB dongles

The license data of a hardware lock (USB dongle) is stored in the USB dongle itself. As soon as this dongle is connected to another computer or server, the license is available directly via the other computer. The license activation procedure does not have to be repeated for this.

Firewall settings trouble shooting

First of all, make sure you install all software as administrator. 


Firewall problems can be caused by PC Firewall but also from Network Firewall. To check the connection to Matrix license server, you can ping to: (IP address =


Start a command line box using windows+R button or by clicking on the Windows start button and typ “cmd”.
Type: “ping” + enter



In case of valid reply results, activation should be possible. 

In case of non-valid ping results, modify PC and/or network firewall settings.


For network firewall settings: contact your system administrator.

For PC firewall settings, see next steps:

Firewall settings PC

Go to  “Firewall & network protection” and select “Advanced settings”:



Select “Outbound rules”:


Select “New Rule…”:


Add a new Rule that opens local port 5094. After this it should be possible to get access to the license server. To check this you can ping again according earlier procedure.


Mathijs is the author of this solution article.

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